Invertebrate Systematics

Publisher: CSIRO Publishing

Invertebrate Systematics publishes work on the systematics, phylogeny and biogeography of all invertebrate taxa. It also includes work on species of particular conservation, economic, medical or veterinary importance.

    Invertebrate Systematics is an international journal publishing original and significant contributions on the systematics, phylogeny and biogeography of all invertebrate taxa. Papers in the journal provide comprehensive treatments of clearly defined taxonomic groups, often emphasising their biodiversity patterns and/or biological aspects. The journal also includes contributions on the systematics of selected species that are of particular conservation, economic, medical or veterinary importance.


Print ISSN: 1445-5226

Online ISSN: 1447-2600

Current: Aug 2024 : Volume 38 Issue 8

BioOne Member Since: 2017

Frequency: Continuous

Impact Factor: 1.8

Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 40/54, ZOOLOGY 43/180

Journal Citation Indicator: 0.97

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